Firm Comparison

Firm Comparison

Firm Comparison

Comparison Your Firm & Other Interested Firms

Firm Name Gross Revenue (millons) 2013 Rank By  RPL (FY:2012) Number U.S. Offices DC & Denver Office Number of Lawyers Number of IP Lawyers Number Safety Lawyers Net  Operating Income (millions) Profit Margin (%) Number of Equity Partners Profits Per Equity Partner Compensation Average, All Partners CAP divided by number of Lawyers (VPL) (FY:2012)
Your Firm $282 163 17 Yes 514 77 12 $89 31 140 $630,000 $430,000 $265,000
Firm A $598 124 22 Yes 926 129 16 $164 27 173 $950,000 $570,000 $320,000
Firm B $352 173 56 Yes 690 0 29 $124 35 206 $605,000 $455,000 $245,000
Firm C $406 89 18 Yes 552 379 5 $137 34 160 $860,000 $670,000 $315,000